Plan nesting table lists all current jobs
This applies to the summary nesting table at the top of the cutting ticket pane. All jobs that were explicitly selected by the user will now have rows representing them in that table. Even if some of the jobs were unable to be nested into any of the selected tags, a row will be displayed showing 0 pieces nested.

Warning icon for inconsistent shape, weight, and density
For some clients, AccuFit imports the weight, shape, and density of each tag from the client’s ERP system. Sometimes, these values can be inconsistent with each other. For example, suppose the ERP system tells us that there is a 8” round billet weighing 2,920 lbs with a length of 39.251” and a material density of 0.296 lbs/in³. This is not possible. If you assume an 8” diameter and the provided length and density, then the weight of the billet should be approximately 584 lbs, not 2,920 lbs. When there is a difference of greater than 10% between the ERP weight and the calculated weight, AccuFit will mark the tag with an orange exclamation icon, as shown below.

The same idea applies for plate and sheet inventory.
Billet/Bar Planning
Change weight-to-length conversion formula
When doing weight-based planning on a bar or billet, AccuFit as before only uses the target weights of the mults and the measured weight of the bar/billet to perform its nesting algorithm. However, when showing the plan visually and in the nesting tables, we convert those weights to lengths so that a cut shop would know where to measure for the cuts. The formula for this weight-to-length conversion has changed. Previously, we used the diameter and density of the bar/billet to do the conversion. Now, if AccuFit knows the total weight and total length of the bar/billet, we will use that information to assume an average weight-per-inch and apply that conversion factor to the weight of the mult. If we are unable to determine the length of the billet from the ERP system, then we will fall back to using the diameter and density calculation.
The same thing applies for converting lengths to weights, as is necessary when doing 1D length-based nesting.

Scanner: Show icon for scanned billets
AccuFit continues its integration with the Concept Systems billet scanner. The billet scanner is a device that uses lasers and an imaging system to precisely measure the diameter of a billet at 1mm intervals from one end of the billet to the other. This is especially useful when the diameter of the billet is not uniform and deviates from the nominal diameter. As shown in the drawing below, four lasers are mounted to a frame which travels along a track to scan the entire billet:

Billets in inventory that have been scanned are now indicated with a green camera icon in the AccuFit inventory search results in order to easily identify scanned billets vs. unscanned billets:

Scanner: Detect invalid scans
On occasion, environmental conditions or a hardware glitch can cause the scanner to report invalid data to AccuFit. For certain types of problems, AccuFit is able to detect the inconsistency in the scanner data and indicate that to the user. When an inconsistency is found, AccuFit displays an orange camera icon for that bar/billet:

Clicking on the tag will reveal more information about the inconsistency in the Scans and Notes sections:

Scanner: Import billet length
The billet scanner reports the measured length of the scanned billet to AccuFit, and AccuFit now captures and stores this information. However, this length is assumed to be accurate only upon initial receipt of the billet. Obviously, if parts are subsequently cut from the billet and the remnant is put back into inventory, its length decreases. Cut shops often measure the updated weight of the remnant being restocked, but not the updated length. So, in this situation, AccuFit will use the updated weight and the scanned cross-sections to calculate the new length of the billet, and it will store this information as part of the tag.
Plate/Sheet Planning
Use 2-dimensional plate diagram on main Plan page
In the inventory search results and in the cutting ticket pane, AccuFit now displays a 2-dimensional flat diagram instead of the 3-dimensional diagram that was previously displayed. There are several advantages to the 2D diagram, such as the ability to display indicated plate defective regions (shown in red), the ability to display text such as job numbers and piece sizes directly on the diagram, and the ability to display different colored lines for cuts made by different cutting equipment. Also, with this change, the plate diagrams on the main Plan page are now consistent in appearance with the diagrams displayed on the Print view and the cut editor.

Remove thickness from nesting tables
When doing plate/sheet planning, the “Size” column of the nesting tables will no longer include the thickness of the piece, just the width × length. The nature of plate/sheet planning is that the thickness is constant for all pieces, so there is no need to display it. By eliminating the thickness, we have more screen real estate for things like the job number which can sometimes get lengthy.
